Families » Work Permits

Work Permits

Work Permits

Work Permits are required for individuals under 18 years of age. A new work permit is required with each job change, change of duties, and/or location.

All individuals between the ages of 14 to 17 are required to obtain a work permit to be employed in Massachusetts. In Oxford, work permits are available for youth who either reside in Oxford or are working in the Town of Oxford. Work Permits are issued at the Central Administration Office (preferably, by appointment), Oxford High School Guidance Office, and Oxford Middle School Guidance Office (only for 8th graders). 

Work permits are available at the following locations:

Oxford Public Schools Central Administration Office
4 Maple Road, Oxford, MA  01540
Phone:  508-987-6050 x1125 - (preferably, by appointment)

Oxford High School – Guidance Office
100 Carbuncle Drive, Oxford, MA  01540
Phone: 508-987-6081

Oxford Middle School - Guidance Office
497 Main Street, Oxford, MA  01540
Phone:  508-987-6054 - (8th graders)

Please note:  Work permits cannot always be obtained on demand. Your application may be processed in 1-3 business days. Students may request a work permit during school hours as long as they have all the required documentation and signatures.

Work Permit Requirements

Please follow these important steps before requesting a Work Permit from the Oxford Public Schools. 

  • Download and print the Employment Permit Application. Hard copies of the application are also available at Oxford High School and in the Central Administration Office.

  • Applicants must have a Promise of Employment before requesting a Work Permit. Obtain a Job Offer and ask the employer to complete Page 1 of the Employment Permit Application.

  • Obtain Health Certification. A Physician’s signature is required on Page 2 of the application (if 14 or 15 years old).

  • Parents/Guardians must sign Page 2 of the application.

  • Applicant must sign Page 2 of the application.

  • Bring the completed application and proof of age (birth certificate, passport, driver’s license, or immigration record), to one of the above locations.

Helpful Resources

Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Youth Employment Permit Information

Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Working Under 18