Families » Bullying


The Oxford Public School District is committed to providing all students with a learning environment that is free from bullying, cyberbullying, and retaliation. We believe that preventing and intervening in these harmful behaviors is one component of our larger effort to promote social skills within our school environment. We will endeavor to maintain a learning environment that promotes mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance. We will not condone behavior that infringes on the safety or emotional well-being of any student.

Bullying is defined as the act of one or more school staff members or students intimidating one or more students through verbal, physical, mental, or written interactions. Bullying can take many forms and occur in virtually any setting. It can create unnecessary and unwarranted anxiety that will affect attending school, walking in corridors, eating in cafeterias, playing in the schoolyard, participating in or attending special and extra-curricular activities, or riding on the bus to and from school each day.

The School Committee expects administrators and supervisors to make clear to students and staff that bullying in the school buildings, on school grounds, on the bus or school-sanctioned transportation, or at school-sponsored functions will not be tolerated, and will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion for students, and termination for employees.

The District will promptly and reasonably investigate allegations of bullying or cyberbullying. The Principal of each building will be responsible for handling all complaints by students or parents alleging bullying or cyberbullying.