EduCare » Voucher Assistance

Voucher Assistance

Voucher Assistance

The EduCare Program is partnered with Child Care Resources (CCR) to provide financial assistance for your child's EduCare payments. Families who qualify for voucher assistance may contact CCR with the contact information below:
Families served by the Worcester office, please contact based on the first initial of the last name of the PARENT:
A-C Yazahira Natal [email protected] 508-796-1824
F-La Letisha Ferabolli [email protected] 508-796-1830
Lb-N Casey Benjamin [email protected] 978-602-8654
D and O-Sal Katie Albro [email protected] 978-602-8653
E and Sam-Z Natasha Arroyo [email protected] 508-796-1827
A-J Donmarie Boutilette-Smith [email protected] 508-796-1836
K-Z Nicolette Hughes [email protected] 508-796-1831